How to choose the correct length hair extensions
Whether you’re looking to add length to your natural hair, some extra volume and thickness or maybe you’ve spotted a particular thinning area that needs a little TLC - hair extensions are the best place to start!
Not only are they essential for creating additional length & thickness but professional human hair is also the easiest way to add colour without causing damage to your natural locks. A perfect option for anyone that may be allergic to hair colouring products or simply wanting to keep their hair in the best tip top condition.

So by now if you're reading this you may have committed to investing in professional hair? If so, you’ve made the best decision! Let us talk you through the next all important steps and things to consider when choosing the correct length.
Why choosing the correct length of hair extensions is so important!
You’ve decided on your favourite application type and have your perfect colour match at the ready, now it’s all about choosing the correct length hair to suit your height and overall look.
It’s crucial that your hair stylist is able to help you decide on the best length when measuring your own hair for a naturally blended look. The general rule to always keep in mind is that you shouldn’t be opting for extensions that are drastically longer than your own hair length.
If your hair is too short it will most likely be difficult to blend in ultra long locks for your desired natural look. The result could end up looking choppy and obvious; i'm sure we’ve all seen some hair extension horrors in our time. It’s never a good look!

Generally those with shoulder length hair can look great with longer extensions but anything shorter can be really tricky to blend with any application. We would suggest choosing a 14” or 16” length at most, to add thickness and subtle length and as your natural hair grows you can gradually upgrade to longer locks in time.
The all important rule to remember when investing in professional hair extensions
An essential rule that we like to remind our girls with shorter hair is to remember the four inch rule! Your natural hair must be a minimum of four inches long (around chin length) for any extension roots to be hidden well and for your hair stylist to be able to create a seamless natural blend.
It’s worth also thinking about height! If you’re a shorter bodied person, typically anything under the height of 5 '4, you will find that longer hair extensions such as 20” or 24” will fall much further down on your body than you may expect. We don’t want anyone to be sitting around on their new gorgeous hair! So height & hair length is a really important factor to keep in mind.
Naturally this is due to everyone being a variety of heights, of which long hair extensions will frame body shapes differently so we always advise it’s another key factor to think about when choosing the best length of hair for you.
How to cut in your hair extensions for the perfect blend
Once your new hair has been fitted and your hair stylist has created that mega glow up that you’ve been dreaming of, the next step is to cut your hair extensions in for a super discreet finish. The best way that we like to do this is by over directing your sections of hair forward and point cutting it in to gradually create a beautiful blend.
It’s a general rule to leave the front pieces until last so that there’s enough hair to frame the face perfectly. The biggest question that we get asked so often is: 'How can I blend in a blunt cut hairstyle to freshly fitted hair extensions?'

Great news, it’s really simple! By working your way down the hair, you will need to find the beval between the natural hair and your clients new long locks. Then using thinning scissors, backcomb into the top layer of the extensions and the very ends of your natural hair to soften the texture between both the natural hair and the hair extensions.
This is the best and only way to disconnect that bold line where the natural hair finishes and to gradually style the hair into a discreet and natural blend.
Don’t worry if your new hair extensions feel super sleek & straight in comparison to your own naturally textured hair for the first few days. Rest assured once your new hair is washed it will soften up, leaving a gorgeous smooth finish from root to tip.
So now that you have all our top tips on how to choose the best length of hair extensions for you, get that hair in the basket babe and start heading to the checkout! Discover our full range of professional hair in five most applications & in 30+ bespoke colours online now.